Throughout my browsing of many educational blogs, there are two types of posts and information I personally find most interesting. I enjoy reading about new ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, because after learning about the many tools available during this course, it's valuable to read ways teachers are actually putting them to use. I also always find it useful to read about other teaching ideas or techniques that may or may not use technology. As a teacher it's nice to keep an ongoing "list" (an actual one or mental) of ideas to use in the future. The blog I chose to comment on discussed an idea for a review game that I have seen before, but with variations. This activity can be used with any subject and almost any grade level. I like this post because it's great to have a variety of games and activities to use when it comes time to review!
This game involves a set of "I have" "Who has" cards. One student begins saying, for example, "I have triangle. Who has a shape with four equilateral sides?" The student with the "square" card would then continue the same way. A variation can be done where students each have a card and they must wander around the classroom looking for the classmate that will complete the statement. When this person is found, the students trade cards and the game continues.
This game involves a set of "I have" "Who has" cards. One student begins saying, for example, "I have triangle. Who has a shape with four equilateral sides?" The student with the "square" card would then continue the same way. A variation can be done where students each have a card and they must wander around the classroom looking for the classmate that will complete the statement. When this person is found, the students trade cards and the game continues.

Check out the post I commented on!
My comment offered an additional idea to use with this activity. I suggested having students create the cards themselves for additional review. I was glad to see someone respond to my comment! I feel like an official blogger.