Sunday, May 1, 2011
Podcasting in the Classroom
Podcasting is yet another tool that can be wonderfully useful in the classroom. Of the many roles it can play, I believe that students being able to plan, collaborate and record their own podcast is the most useful. Instead of finding one episode that I would use, I discovered a teacher whose classroom who posted podcasts from multiple students. These podcasts consist of the students reading poetry with expression. The students selected poems, illustrated them, and recorded them as podcasts. I selected these podcasts mostly because they could be included in a poetry unit. I would play a different poem for my class each day and begin a discussion on its meaning and poetic elements. Also, since I'm in the literacy specialist program, fluency is one of the main goals of reading. These students reading their chosen poems with expression is a great way to work on fluency. At the end of the poetry unit, I would have my students do a similar project. I would first have them select a poem, practice reading it fluently, and record it as a podcast. Once they got the hang of it, I would have them compose their own and record it with illustrations. This idea could be adapted for older students as well!
Poetry Podcast
Monday, April 25, 2011
Collaboration is Everything
One way I would definitely use this site is to connect to a classroom in another part of the world. When I was in school, we had pen pals arranged and it was an awesome experience, and I think interacting with other students internationally would be even better. In the future, I would choose a “hot topic” for my class to focus on – something like saving the environment that effects the whole world. I would hope to use ePals to find another classroom that my students could physically write letters to. I would arrange a Skype meeting as a conclusion to the project.
The possibilities are endless with site. I am even more excited to have my own classroom of students to share this unique opportunity with.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Bookr: Another way to Extend Literacy Skills
Students could go through the writing process to create their own story. To publish their finished product, they could use Bookr to type each page and choose an accompanying picture. This would provide motivation to get to the point of publishing.
Another activity that would be interesting would be to create a Bookr with different photos and have the students add text. This would require them to be creative in thinking of ideas, but maintain a storyline at the same time.
The latter idea is what I had in mind when creating this object. This would be one (very simple) way to introduce students to the idea of creating text given photos. I titled this Bookr "Our Year" and included chronological pictures that imply the beginning of the school year through the end. I would have students create text that would highlight everything they've done this year.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Creative Commons Liscensing: The Many Ways to Share
Random wildflower by *Micky Attribution License
Creative Commons Liscensing allows photographers to indicate what types of uses to allow. All types of creative commons liscensing ensure creators receive credit for their work, allow creators to retain copyright while giving others the opportunity to use their work, and work internationally, lasting as long as applicable copyright lasts. When using Flickr, it's important to understand the different types of liscenses so users can determine which suits their needs.
One type of creative commons liscense is the Attribution Liscense. This means that others can use, distribute, modify and copy work (even commercially) as long as credit is given for original work and derivitive works that have been created. Attribution-Noncommercial Liscense allows people to use works under the same conditions as the Attribution Liscense, but commercial use is not allowed.
Attribution No-Derivs Liscense gives users the right to use, distribute, and copy only exact copies of the original work. Credit must be given and no changes can be made.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs is the most restrictive of the main liscenses. Users can download work to share, but commercial use is not allowed, no changes can be made, and credit must be given.
Attributions-ShareAlike Liscense lets others change and build upon work (even commercially) as long as they give credit and liscense their modified creations under the same terms. Any derivitives of the original work will have the same liscense. Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike Liscense is the same, but commercial use is not allowed.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tweet Tweet Tweet
31 Interesting Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom
Tweet Ideas: 13 Things to do on Twitter besides Tweet
Monday, February 28, 2011
Why Reinvent the Wheel?
This game involves a set of "I have" "Who has" cards. One student begins saying, for example, "I have triangle. Who has a shape with four equilateral sides?" The student with the "square" card would then continue the same way. A variation can be done where students each have a card and they must wander around the classroom looking for the classmate that will complete the statement. When this person is found, the students trade cards and the game continues.
Check out the post I commented on!
My comment offered an additional idea to use with this activity. I suggested having students create the cards themselves for additional review. I was glad to see someone respond to my comment! I feel like an official blogger.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Transforming Education through Social Networking
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Today's Learner...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Video Reaction
The video also points out that we always talk about and encourage our students to read more. However, they are composing and reading thousands of e-mails and text messages a year. This is literacy! It's time to take advantage of their knowledge of these tools and create a link to learning.
I found this website interesting and useful. Pay Attention: Ideas for becoming a better teacher
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Blogs: Safety Tips for Children
- Talk to your parents about Internet use so you know what sites they feel comfortable with you using.
- Never post information that is too personal, such as home address, phone number, or school – this information is valuable.
- Your user name also should not reveal too much information about yourself.
- Report bullying or harassment to a parent, teacher, or other trusted adult.
- Think carefully about your actions online (don’t be a cyberbully yourself). You shouldn’t impersonate someone else, or post pictures of other people that they are not aware of or do not approve of.
- Be aware of privacy settings and know who has access to your blog.
- Set settings for who can comment on your blog so that you approve all comments first, or consider turning off the comment feature.
- Avoiding linking your blog to others’ who may have public access. Don’t be concerned with popularity.
- Remember that once you post a picture or comment online and someone sees it, you can’t take it back.
- Keep your password a secret from everyone except your parents.
Blogs in the Classroom
1. Journal writing/reading responses: Typically, when students are asked to write informal journal entries or responses to books they have read, the teacher is the only one who reads what is written, which sometimes develops into a written conversation. If this same task was completed using a blog, this would allow other students to read each others' thoughts and ideas. They could respond to their peers' posts and read comments from everyone, not just one teacher. A sense of community would develop from working together and offering comments.
2. Discussing and debating current events: Using my blog, I could post links to articles or videos that would be appropriate and relevant to class discussions. The students would post their opinion on these matters. This would require them to read, think about how they feel, express their feelings in a safe environment, and stay informed about what is going on in the world they live in.
3. Extending or introducing class topics: Before beginning a unit or new lesson, I could use a blog as an introduction, or anticipatory set. I would post a question for students to consider, a short reading to make them think, a topic to discuss with family members, or an assignment to complete before class. As a post-topic activity I might ask students to reflect upon what was discussed during class, or informally assess their learning by reading what they took out of the day's lesson.
Standards (related to all 3 ideas):
Standard 2
Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.
Students will read and listen to oral, written and electronically produced texts and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Standard 4
Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.
Standard 2: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.
Computer Technology
Key idea: Computers, as tools for design, modeling, information processing, communication, and system control, have greatly increased human productivity and knowledge.